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When I ask friends how they deal with election stress, they say, “I’m a mess!” Well, I also have PreTSD. Thank God I’m a cartoonist, free to come up with solutions to life’s problems now.

Consider these strategies to help you get through voting day and the chaos afterward.

A cartoon drawing of a man sleeping under three shelves of empty beer glasses. A sign reading "wake me up in 2028" is stuck in the ground near his feet
(Peter Moore, special to The Colorado Sun)

Psilocybin has been decriminalized, you know.

A cartoon drawing of a man sitting in a lotus position floating around a ballot box with the text: "Please do not burn" on the side
(Peter Moore, special to The Colorado Sun)

A cartoon drawing of a space shuttle orbiting the Earth in a calm blue sky. Says a thought bubble coming out of the craft "It looks so peaceful from here..." but symbols in red, indicating swear words, shoot out of a drawing of the Earth.
(Peter Moore, special to The Colorado Sun)

Noise canceling headphones actually work now

A cartoon drawing of a man looking very anxious as political words and phrases bombard him
(Peter Moore, special to The Colorado Sun)

A cartoon map showing the distance to Canada from Colorado, "Only 1,133 miles. Also: hockey, eh?" The card features drawings of a Canada goose, a maple leaf and a jug of maple syrup. It also refers to hockey star Nathan MacKinnon's birthplace in Nova Scotia
(Peter Moore, special to The Colorado Sun)

Read something boring and incomprehensible. It will knock you out instantly. Possibly for 20 years.

A cartoon of Rip Van Winkle sleeping under a leafless tree, a skeletal bird hanging from a branch
(Peter Moore, special to The Colorado Sun)

When all else fails, learn coping strategies from Denver Zoo residents.

Five cartoon ostriches with their heads buried in the sand. There is a sign on a fence that says: "Ostrich: caput haarae. 'Our National Bird'"
(Peter Moore, special to The Colorado Sun)

Peter Moore is an editor, writer, illustrator, ghostwriter, co-author, radio host, TV guest, speaker, editorial consultant and journalism teacher. In his most recent gig, he served as interim editor-in-chief of BACKPACKER magazine. Peter…

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